Thursday, 30 January 2014

Image Factory: Time. Triptychs

Triptych (Three-Fold) a brief intro

- A piece of artwork (usually a paneled painting) that is divided into three sections , generally the sections would be hinged to allow the artwork to be displayed opened or closed.

Triptych's evolved out of middle age christian art and were traditionally used as altar displays and to depict saints etc.

Because the ability of the triptych's to fold they were able to be transported easily and with minimal damage to the image, as such one popular use for the triptych other than religious art ,would be to display potential matches among the royalty of the time.

The triptych form is mostly used in modern times as a means of displaying photography, either the three frames following a theme or one image broken into three.

Famous triptych artists include :

Francis Bacon
 Max Beckmann
Hieronymus Bosch

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